Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A dearth of soundbytes

Ok, so I'll admit right up front here that I watched only the first 3 minutes or so of the President's address last night. But apparently that was long enough to hear the only soundbyte to be replayed on the Today show this morning. I find that a bit worrisome. Really. A 50-minute speach and the only part worth replaying in its entirety was said in the first 3 minutes?

And what did he say? He said, in effect, we're going to come back from this. Well, no kidding. We're all working mighty hard to make that happen. Boy am I glad I didn't stay tuned for the other 47 minutes.


mulderjoe said...

He's an excellent orator. Well, that's what I read. I didn't watch the speech. I don't need (even a president I like) blowing sunshine up my ass.

I Ain't No Oprah said...

In the other 47 minutes you missed... Obama mentioned how we are all going die at the hands of Allah.

And be poor. And have no health care.

And get flooded from the big ice melt of 2011.

And the new Leno show is gonna suck.