Thursday, March 5, 2009

For Joe

Dear Friends,

I have just read and signed the online petition:

"Fruit Brute Petition"

hosted on the web by, the free online petition
service, at:

I personally agree with what this petition says, and I think you might
agree, too. If you can spare a moment, please take a look, and consider
signing yourself.

Best wishes,


For the record this cereal looks disgusting...


mulderjoe said...

That cereal ROCKS. I'm number 312 on the list.

Kathy said...

"looks disgusting"
Amen sister.
Fake fruit-flavored anything is nasty.

But my guy loves that stuff so as my granny would say "in for a penny, in for a pound." I gots to support my man.

Kathy said...

I'm signature #315!

Sarah said...

hahaha you're so cute Kathy! It's no one's fault really I am a boring cereal person. When my parents would ask what my special cereal choice was it would be usually Cheerios....or Corn Flakes or maybe Apple Cinnamon Cheerios to spice things up.

I know boring. My sister would always choose some depressed marshmallow or fake fruit cereal topped off with a good helping of sugar.

Somehow I think that explains a lot...