Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A song I'm working on

Hi. I'm working on a new song and could use your input. Here's what I have so far:

It seemed like a good idea at first
A good way to catch up with family and old friends
Get some sense of how the class of 88 was doing
Before the High School reunion Thanksgiving weekend

A few applications later and I was spending lots of time
Sending plants and flowers to my green patch friends
And checking out fan sites for bands like Incubus and Sublime

Poking people and getting poked back
then the super pokes turned into snowball attacks
I listed my favorite books and movies and rock and roll bands
I even made a piece of flair - a button of a picture of 2 baby hands

I can't take anymore - I'm done
FaceBook is no longer fun
I'm tired of wasting my life away
Living in this virtulal world every day

(You know,) I have something like 268 friends on this thing
and I'd prefer to see them all face to face
Not seeing them for over 20 years hasn't really knocked me into
a bad emotional space
It's good to know how your story went on after our high school days
But I spend so much time waiting for comments to my comments,
It's a wonder I haven't gone crazy!


mulderjoe said...

I like it. Let's work on it for the next rehearsal!

I Ain't No Oprah said...

I'm writing a song also.

'140 letters to tell you I'll be home late.




140 letters to say I love you.

Twitter. Twitter.

140 letters to convince you to have a threesome.

Twitter. Twitter. Twitter.

140 letters.

Kathy said...

The lyrics will be perfect after you add this one last verse:
20 years have passed since I last saw your face
Let's hope our get togethers keep that same pace
Oprah has killed FaceBook and it's no big deal
As long as there's Slydial, I can avoid being real

Sarah said...

What the heck is twitter?