Monday, October 27, 2008

youtube musings

In today's youtube world....

is SNL relevant? Is any television program relevant for that matter? Why watch a 90 min program when you can view highlights and bypass the whole?

if everyone posting their own reel is famous (i.e. getting their "15 mins"), is noone famous?

if all those youtube posters are exposing their hearts and guts and secrets, where's the mystery that makes humans so interesting?

if youtube viewers are only watching that which interests them or highlights of things that interest them, then how are they exposed to differing views/opinions/experiences that are other than those they have? (Yes, they could read a newspaper or book but recent stats say the majority of today's U.S. population is relying on the Internet for news, no longer reads a newspaper, and can't recall the last book they read or haven't read a book in the last year.)

How can we grow and evolve if we only ever cling to that which we know and are comfortable with?

Maybe "youtube" should be renamed to "mytube" since it's an exericise in self-centeredness?

Facebook. What's the point? I didn't stay in touch with you after high school for a reason. After we send the initial "I married/divorced/remarried/redivorced had kids/pets/a sportcar, I found religion/yoga/youtube/Facebook and realized that I am old and lonely so I'm trying to relive my glory years by reaching out to people that I was forced to spend 4 years with"
email.....then what? I'm not going to maintain contact with you just the same exact way I didn't maintain contact with you after graduation. Get lost.

I resent how much time I spend online. My occupation demands it. Blogging is a great productivity killer. I'd read a book, I'd rather be reading a book in fact, but I'd get fired for sitting here and reading a book (I've no easy way to hide a book beneath my keyboard or in my lap sadly). Has anyone else read John Crowley's Ægypt series? I read Little, Big each Autumn and find something new each time. I'm reading Lord Byron now and love it. I want to start Ægypt next and am looking for others comments.

sressot oaic


Cheryl Ruffing said...

The best things about youtube are that I can immediately find that 1980s song I just remembered; check out the guy who originally sang "I'd Go the Whole Wide World" (after watching Will Ferrell sing it in "Stranger than Fiction" -- what a great movie; my kids love it too); or find a commercial for The Bionic Woman Doll and accessories and share it with my sister.

Oh, I also enjoyed Amy Walker's accents in "21 Accents."

bully said...

mostly i use youtube to entertain ethan and joshua. if i have a few free minutes we look up jeep and mud and watch the jeeps play in the mud. then we will look up john deere and watch tractors do tractor stuff. they love it.

i still read books (when i can find the time and not fall asleep)

2 things i have gotten out of youtube - ask a ninja and here we go video - you know the one with treadmills.

that is all


mulderjoe said...

I look for videos of Bully sleeping on my couch.

Kathy said...

Cheryl - I concur. Our server is down and I can't do what I'm paid to do, so I'm watching all of Pink's videos. Which mks me think how sad that MTV doesn't play videos anymore as her vids really r well done. Who's Amy Walker?
Oh and if I liked girls, Pink would do it for me. What a body. Wow.

Bully - Mud and jeeps and tractor pulls. Love it. I'll be doing that w/Kicky and Jumpy some day. Ask Ninja isn't all that....Ninja couldn't tell me how to get ball point pen off my oil cloth tablecloth.

Bully - we have some more clothing for the twins if ur interested.

Technology should help us not hinder. My next post might be about our IT dept (grr) or Notes (double grr).

Cheryl Ruffing said...

Amy Walker seems to be an aspiring actress with a talent for accents.

My kids aren't huge fans of Jeeps or tractors. Luke watches AC/DC videos; Bridget watches Taylor Swift; Henry and Sam watch Lego and Bionicle videos. Jack refuses to be subdued by the computer or tv.

bully said...

kathy - more clothes would be great, the boys are now 8 lbs (caleb) and 8lbs 10oz (elijah). so they are growing nicely. gaining over an ounce a day - which according to the doc is good.

also thanks kathy for the clothes and books that you have previously sent.

oh crap it's 5:00 time to go
