Monday, February 2, 2009

Facebook, Shmacebook

If all the energy people put into Facebook was applied to something productive and useful, the economy could improve in a speedier fashion.

But no...instead of people applying themselves to something useful, meaningful and helpful (ever think of volunteering at a nursing home, animal shelter, etc?) Facebookers are making "Lists about ME".   yawn.  No one cares about you. Those of us busting our asses to pay our mortgages (yes, oh yes, some of us still pay them and care about keeping a house over our heads and yes, we read the fine print before we signed the f***ing papers) and keep jobs and feed our families......well, we don't have time to tell our virtual friends about ourselves.  In fact, some of us still have real (time), living, breathing friends that we talk to in person over the phone (it's a small device that works in real-time and relies on auditory abilities) or we meet for coffee (that's F2F for you virtual-reality-addicts). 

Yeah, ok, some of you Facebookers have mortgages in good standing and productive jobs but let's be real about the majority of you F'ers.  You've got time to type away and share mundane bs....what have you done for me?  And by that question I mean the collective larger "me"...what did you give you back today?  Did you help anyone out of the kindness of your heart? Did you donate anything... clothes, blood, good will?  Did you hold the door for someone or let a car go in front of you?  Now, I'm really lowering the bar I'm actually fighting my natural cynical inclinations.

I can't wait for the Facebook fad to fade...just like MySpace and all the other productivity killers. 

I confess that I'm still waiting for WoW to slow down and die off....but being a former gamer myself....I know it won't happen. It's way to addictive.

ok. i'm done here.

oh...and yes, F'ers....i'm jealous of all that free time those F'ers have.  Why do you think I keep calling them F'ers.   duh.