Sunday, November 9, 2008

Creepy Weirdo Belongs in Jail...

Okay...for those of you who know me I have had a thing against "Mr. Steve" for quite some time. He's downright CREEPY! Come on! Watch that video and tell me you don't want to ban television from the house! And the worst part? Ava get's all kinds of excited when he comes on. Sigh!

P.S. The kids are obviously creepy robots as warned


Gustavo Larry said...

That little girl said "Your anus". I think those kids are mighty dirty too. PBS should be nothing but Tellitubbies 24/7. Now there is some good education. Hey little kids, after we stop singing, I have some puppies in my black van.

Sarah said...

HAH! You're too funny m'dear.

Those kids are robots.

mulderjoe said...

Teletubbies are possibly the scariest thing I've ever seen. And I'm a huge horror fan.

Horroru said...

"Creepy Weirdo Belongs in Jail..."
If I had a dime for every time someone said that about me I'd be rich! (If I had a dime for every time I said it about Barney Frank I'd be richer)....

This "guy" is like Barney the dinosaur without the purple costume. And what's with the "Mr. _first name_"? And singing about his "rocket"? It's like Ned Flanders produced this show.

Makes wonder pets look like freakin Citizen Kane.

Sarah said...

Makes wonder pets look like freakin Citizen Kane.
I just choked on my water. Joe you are so funny.

I also agree with putting guy in quotations...I'm not sure any of us really know what he is. He wears a wedding ring like he's married, but I'm not buying it. Plus I don't know where PBS is made but I'm guessing it's not in the 4 states that allow gay robot marriage.
For all the gay robots out there those states are: PR/AR/AL/DE
Seriously...what isn't legal in AR and AL? And where the Eff is DE? Does anyone really know? Or Care? You never hear anyone introduce themselves and say they are from Delaware.

Gustavo Larry said...

what isn't legal in AR and AL?
1. Speaking negatively of the Confederates
2. Burning the American flag
3. Being married to anyone of the same gender. Any relative of the opposite sex is still ok.
4. Driving a vehicle without a gun rack.
5. Insulting someone's mamma

Horroru said...

"I'm guessing it's not in the 4 states that allow gay robot marriage."
Well Sarah, I'm sure that Mass is one of those states. We do have Barney Frank after all....