Friday, November 21, 2008

Here comes "the veldt". I hope the lions are nice.

Pretty wild. check it out.
The interface/interaction is very cool, but the obvious thing is that to utilize this stuff you have to completely change the way "data" (whatever it may be) is stored, handled, & viewed. "Shift your paradigm" to use and over-used phrase. Good thing "kids" are such insane early adopters. I think my generation may actually be limited in our ability to conceive the possible ueses. Cartoons were only on Saturday morning. TV went off the air at midnight. You only had 5-6 or channels depending on where you lived. So many things were finite, boxed and boundaried (bound?, whatev..).
Ironically it makes me immediately think of the "blu-ray vs. HD-DVD" monologue by the Kevin Sandusky (Jay Baruchel) character in "Tropic Thunder" (which I gotta say is actually a pretty damn good movie, very funny. Yes, takes some shots, but not completely retarded ones..<---[yes, cloaked joke] And Tom Cruise deserves an Oscar - seriously).
Anyway.. he gives this speech about how technology battles are decided by ...the porn industry, with a nod to gamers. (although I've read the Porn clan ain't such fans of HD at all - razor stubble is much more palatable in SD). SO I suppose to really imagine the possibilities, you have to ask "what would PORN do?"

Nonetheless, a very cool demo on their homepage. Combine this with the "coming soon" (next ten years) super-cheap OLED wallpaper you’ll be able to coat the walls floor & ceiling of a room with - Shazam! that Star Trek holodeck ain't so sci-FI any more, more like My-Sci...

And if you're thinking "oh kev, you're so cool, you can read slashdot". Well thanks for playing. I am cool.

Also - you have to catch Guv'nah Palin(comparison to anyone else) giving an interview. She just "pardoned" a turkey, so she gives an interview... in front of a guy slaughtering turkeys...
If you can't stomach the whole thing, jump to 1:50 and watch the bird kick & struggle while she just palavers on , blah-blah-blabbity-blah. Is she really that dumb, or is this a visceral threat? "I'll cut ya! Just try me...".


I Ain't No Oprah said...

Sarah SAVED a turkey. The others were all set to die anyhow.

She wasn't the director of the piece. and it is a week before Thanksgiving.


Horroru said...

When Sarah shows up at my house in a French Maid outfit, I don't care how smart or stupid she is.

Cool demo, although probably a lot of money to pay for a giant Spirograph that gives you carpal arm syndrome.
(I'm in an extra cynical mood today...)

Horroru said...
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Horroru said...

And Kev, when you said you could read "slashdot", I thought "slashdot" was some sort of new programming language!
(proving how uncool I am...)

Kathy said...

Don't Worry
Turkey Curry