Friday, November 28, 2008

Idiots - yes, you, BFers

In case u missed/avoided my earlier post.. BF = black friday shoppers.

Well, hope you're happy you losers who rushed out to buy a bunch of crapola that you did not need so that you could lock in the love of the people who have to tolerate you on a daily basis.

Wal-Mart worker dies after holiday shoppers knock him down

BTW, I told you so.

Being cynical doesn't make me a big enough person to NOT say I told you so. So, you know what, I'm going to say it twice. I told you so.

nice job BFers.


I Ain't No Oprah said...

I love the Human Stampede!

It's so primal. And there are so many bargains involved.

Shopping+Stampeding=X-Mas Cheer.

mulderjoe said...

If this had happened anywhere else, I would be surprised. This is very much a Darwin award in the making.

Sarah said...

People are all kinds of stupid.

Amy Bennett said...

But here's a story that will warm the cockles of your cynical heart.

Woman fakes trampling injury -- year after year after year -- and gets $$ out of walmart.

Kathy said...

re: the woman in Amy's note:

Now THAT is cynical

Horroru said...

Well I have to admit, mulderjoe bought my love by giving me a DVD player. And when I realized what it was I did indeed stampede over him to get it...guess it's human nature....