Thursday, December 18, 2008

Do you have any advice that I can ignore or make fun of?

A friend of mine asked me to post this story/commentary.

"I have some friends that just had a baby, no matter how you try to help them out they want to do things the hard way. Which in some ways I understand like, being comfortable enough to have someone you know look after your baby and such. But I just offered them a coupon for formula, and the guy was like no thanks she’s strictly breastfeeding. So I said yeah I know, but for when she’s not. And he informed me that she will breast feed for the entire year. I pretty much told him to forget it.

"They didn’t prepare for the baby that well and are now wondering why they didn’t have enough diapers or burp cloths etc. Maybe I’m being annoying I don’t know it’s just frustrating when you’re trying to help and they are so friggin stubborn about everything. They can’t even accept valid advice from anyone!"

What struck me about this commentary is that I know many people who outright ask for opinions or advice and then completely shoot down anything I offer.

I mean, advice may, in fact, be sh*t. But still, have some grace.


Sarah said...

No doubt eh! That sucks when people don't listen, I can see why that would be frustrating!

Amy Bennett said...

Sure, here's some advice for you to ignore: Stop yer grousing already.

mulderjoe said...


Exactly, Amy.

mulderjoe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kathy said...

It sounds like these people r asking for burp cloths and diapers, not advice.

Horroru said...

I know a mother like this -- she's obviously got an inferiority complex, so to make up for that she:
A: doesn't listen to any advice, even from experienced people.

B: Whenever you try to tell her something she ALWAYS says she knows all about it already-- when based on her reply you know she doesn't....

Now we just watch her make stupid decisions for her kids from afar and shake our heads...

OK, off to bring my kids to an Ebola party....

Anonymous said...

look, if we didn't have stupid people raising their kids stupidly, we'd have no future Burger King or McDonald's employees.

I Ain't No Oprah said...

I think you should wear that new Burger King cologne.

Gustavo Larry said...

I think most parents go through the whole "This is my first child and I'll figure out what's best for my child" complex. I think it's like the teenagers who think they know more than their parents until they grow up and start living on their own and realize how much their parents know. After some time, the new parents will go through some sort of crisis and end up asking people for help. Most people have to hit "rock bottom" before they'll ask for help.

bully said...

c'mon joe did i ever take any of your advice?

ho ho ho.....ho no

thanks for the box-o-clothes. kiddos are getting big up at 12ish pounds

cherry mistmas!
