Thursday, January 15, 2009

So what's in the news?

Pittsburgh mayor Luke Ravenstahl is now Luke Steelerstahl. In honor of the playoff game against the Baltimore Ravens, the mayor changed his name. If he was the mayor of NYC, would he change his name to "Jetsstahl"? Sounds like a mayday call. I think he should change his name once again to "Noonegivesacrapstahl"

Bush leaving the White House, leaving Crawford, TX. George & Laura bought a new home in a posh little Dallas suburb. I just hope History leaves a flaming bag of dog poo on their front door.

Israeli forces shell UN headquarters in Gaza. And they say Iraq posed a threat to peace in the Middle East. Sheesh. Someone just tell them to knock it off and behave.

The Dallas Cowboys had a disappointing season, and are supposedly considering releasing Terrell Owens. If Tom Brady is indeed out for another season, maybe...just maybe...oh, what the heck am I thinking?! Big whoopdeesh*t.

Ricardo Montalbon dies at 88. Bow your heads to Mr. Khan Roarke. I was going to make a joke about his casket and fine corinthian leather, but it's a sad day. Montalbon was mondo-cool.

Senate Panel 16-1 in favor of Hillary Clinton as next secretary of state. I think I'll let I Ain't No Oprah handle this one.


Kathy said...

can u believe that it cost $50K to visit Fantasy Island and have your fantasy?

Sparks515 said...

Good old Luke Steelersteel.