Thursday, July 10, 2008

My peeves du jour

I have some peeves to share. I'm becomming very cantankerous as I age, and I like it.

1) The March of the Heffers. The traffic light turns green, and the second I start to accelerate, a herd of cow-like teenagers decide they want to see how slowly they can walk across the street - right in front of me. Some of them look at me with the "hahaha what are you gonna do about it?" face. Some continue to text or talk on their stupid cell phones. Some of them pretend that they are all alone and there is nobody around them at all. It doesn't matter. All of them ANNOY ME. I won't even go off on the kids who wear jeans that are 2 sizes too big for them half way down their asses.

2) Women who have all the time in the world in the morning to go to the gym, eat breakfast, watch Good Morning America and sip coffee and gab on the phone, but are too busy to stop for 60 seconds in their homes to apply their makeup, and then decided to put their freakin faces on while they're driving to work. COME ON! I was behind a woman this morning who had her visor mirror down, cell phone in propped to her left ear with her shoulder - no hands free for this lady - applying eye liner while driving on the Leverett Connector. It wasn't like we were stopped in traffic, either. We were moving. She was going SO SLOW. She and her kind are one of the reasons why we have rush hour traffic. If you do this while you're on the road, SHAME ON YOU.

3) The stupid Leverett Connector traffic. Everybody who uses this connector on a regular basis knows that you need to be in the left lane to get onto Storrow Drive, yet there are some folks who feel it's in their right to get in the right lane, blow by all of the good doobie drivers that get into the left lane and respect their fellow commuters and then cut them off right at the Storrow Drive entrance. I understand the need for some folks to have to merge their way into the left lane half way down the ramp, but when some jerk in a big old F150 or BMW (or some chick applying makeup) boots it all the way to the bottom of the connector and then cut me off, that's just not cool. Don't be a dick. Just get in the queue and you'll be on Storrow in no time.

4) When the red hand is lit up on the traffic light, it means DON'T WALK. When the white walking figure is lit up, it means WALK. Don't get them mixed up, you stupid pedestrians in Downtown Boston. You make me crazy when you wait to walk until my light turns green and your red hand is up. Stop it. Stand by the light and sip your stupid Starbucks and wait your turn.

5) Downtown Boston cabbies suck. Enough said.

That's my rant for now. Thanks for reading.


mulderjoe said...

OMG, the teenager heard peeve is right on the money. It's times like that I wish I bought the Murano with the optional sidewinder missles.

Sparks515 said...

Isn't there something called a cow catcher that you can put on the grill? I'm thinkin about it...

mulderjoe said...

I would love to put a cow catcher on the front of my car. just because.