Monday, July 28, 2008

The Once and Future President

I've been reading and listening to a bunch of editorial statements recently about how John McCain will indeed be the next President of the United States. Why so sure? Evidently, the common theory is that south of the Mason-Dixon line, they are still not willing to vote for a black man. Is it mathematically possible to win the election without the southern states? It is, but it will again be another Ohio or Florida every-vote-counts situation. The electoral grade school (I mean 'college', of course) will ensure a balanced vote for our country, won't it?

Now, would this be a tragedy? Yes and no. I actually like John McCain. Will I vote for him? Maybe, maybe not. None of your business. The point is: will this be an election based on skin color? I would like to think that we have evolved as a society to the point where this question wouldn't even have to be asked. I would like to think that, oh yes I would.

The Bush Administration will most likely go down in history as one of, if not the worst administration in US history. I have a good friend that asked me if I seriously thought Al Gore or John Kerry would have made better presidents. Seriously: Yes. I cannot fathom worse than what we've had for the last two terms.

So how did our current president get elected and re-elected? Was it the Bible Belt of our country? Was it the South voting for one of their own? Could it be that all these coastal states and their resident celebrities shilling for a Democratic candidate turned stomachs and therefore votes of the "great unwashed"? No-one can really answer these questions (well, I know YOU can, faithful reader). What remains certain is that to guarantee a victory you must appeal to all classes of people in all states. That, and get more electoral votes (popular vote means very little...just ask Mr. Gore). All this being said, can Obama win the election? Is the overall disdain for these past eight years enough to oust the next viable Republican candidate dispite the fact that his opponent is African-American?

Curious to hear (read) your thoughts on this.


Gustavo Larry said...

Well, personally, I'm voting for McCain. I don't think Obama has what it takes to run the entire country with not even one full term of being a senator under his belt. I've seen McCain vote against Republicans and side with Democrats on issues which tells me that he is capable of having his own opinion even if it is against his own party. I've also seen Obama make some very liberal statements in the primaries in order to win the primary like "Let's bring all the troops home ASAP." and after he's won the primary, take a stance of "I'll listen to the officers who are over in other countries fighting." I see Obama appealing to his audience when making speeches and not really having a stance of his own.

I think Bush made some big mistakes, but I shudder to think of what John Kerry or Al Gore would have done if the events of 9/11 would have happened during their presidency. Bill Clinton totally botched up the whole drug lords in Mogadishu war (Black Hawk Down). What I do know is that we have had multiple terrorist attacks foiled post-9/11 and I can't believe it was just dumb luck. I really feel it was the actions of Bush keeping the fighting overseas and away from our country which makes me feel safer.

Feel free to disagree.

mulderjoe said...

Hey Larry...glad to have you aboard.

I think Bush did fine initially with the 9/11 attacks. He had the entire planet rally around America to go fight terrorism.

So what happened? He took the war to the wrong country. I believe eventually that we would have had to go to Iraq and take down Saddam. But after we finish the fight against terrorism. We were sold a bill of goods with WMD's and the like in order to finish his father's war.

Now, we'll never know how Gore would have handled 9/11. There is some train of thought that 9/11 wouldn't have happened with Gore in the White House, but that's neither here nor there. I believe Gore, Mr. Green himself, would have responded appropriately and gone after the bastards that declared war on our country.

Again, we'd never know. All we can say for certain is Bush is on his way out, and maybe...just maybe...we'll be able to get back in with the rest of the world through the efforts of McCain or Obama. God, let's hope so.

Gustavo Larry said...

I agree that initially we had the whole world fighting terror with us. Once we came out to say we were fighting terror, we stopped hearing about the bombing over in Ireland from the IRA. I'm not sure if it's still going on, but I haven't heard about it.

Concerning Iraq, I've heard arguments on both sides. I've heard that Bush was fighting his father's war. I've also heard that Bush Sr. didn't finish the job like he should have and that the world was mad at us for not getting rid of him in the first place. Apparently, the Iraqis and other anti-Saddam people didn't want to help us this time because they thought we'd just isolate bin Laden and not kill him. It sounded like Saddam still went on killing people even after we told him that he couldn't leave the boundries we set. I've also heard that Saddam claimed to have all these weapons as a bluff to make him seem like he had lots of power when he didn't even have any. I read that even his closest officials thought he had weapons and when he divulged to them that they didn't exist, they were shocked. This may have been where all the bad intelligence came from. Who really knows the truth?

Thanks for the good topic.