- I got my 401k statement. Lost 33% so far. Terrific.
- Stress levels at work, particularly today, are at an all time high. I have several VPs vying for my limited time and not relenting. I'm not the only one. My wife is also working a lot of overtime. She's already been working 10 hours today and yesterday she worked until 1am.
- The software that I need to work at home to try to catch up won't install on my home machine. The install stops at 90%. Believe me when I tell you that this is significantly more stressful than if it stopped at 5%.
- My sons' birthday is coming up. They'll be 1 year olds. Party planning is, well, not exactly relaxing.
- I've been selling off pretty much everything I own with the hopes that I would be able to buy a new television with the money. Sadly, most of the money I received from selling my speakers, surround speakers and television has already been spent on other things (like, you know, food).
- This year, I will be 40 years old. In itself, this is enough to set your mood back a bit. But no, there's more. I had my annual physical on Wed and my doctor said, "say...you're turning 40 in a few weeks. I have an early present for you...a prostate exam!".
' nuff said.
I'm sorry Joe! I promise not to bother you at work for the next week.
Things will turn back around. Everything is cyclical, even work. Except maybe prostate exams...hopefully they're not cyclical!
I'm afraid to say that prostate exams are indeed cyclical. They happen every year....if you want them.
Good thing #1 - You're 401k will go back up in the next 10 years higher than what they were due to market cycles, so you're actually buying now at the right time if you are still contributing.
Good thing #2 - You won't need a new TV right now since the government is deciding on the crucial issue of when the analog TV signal gets shut off and will probably postpone the conversion date.
Could be worse...
I could have a HUGE To Do list waiting for you when you get home.
bwhah haahah ahaha
(my evil laugh in txt form)
Last time I had a prostate exam I had a woman doctor.
To lighten the mood I ad libbed "I usually have to pay extra for this!"
She just gave me a sad smile and shook her head.
Kath, do you really make To Do lists? I thought those just existed in jokes and sit coms!
Actually, I take that last line back -- now that I think about it, Jen does have an excel spreadsheet with a list of things we need to get to -- we just never get to it.. (I seem to remember us getting to it more before the kids arrived...)
sadly, i think the To Do list is a female thing. I am not proud of my ocd necessity to get things done.
now that we have kids, my list consists of "the ONE thing that must get done today". And everything else gets shifted to the "someday" list.
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